I want bodies strewn everywhere, lights flashing, NPC’s using medical tricorders on my Bridge Officers.
They have tons of different “bridges” in the game and for sale in the store, but do they have the most important bridge in Star Trek history? No they do not. So what is this amazing idea you ask? It’s simple, as anything going into the store should be.
It was partly because I read a bunch of Star Trek Online related blogs last night before going to bed, and partly because I’m still trying to get through The Original Series. With that in mind I had an idea while I was laying in bed this morning. That being said the entire industry is going that way, so I might as well start working at steering it in the direction I want it to go.
I don’t usually endorse in game stores for MMO’s, especially if I purchased the game for $40 or more, and am currently paying them $15 a month for the right to play the game I payed them $40 or more for.